Oleander in the garden prefers sunny location

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to braid a plant (Oleander/ कनेर/ Nerium oleander)
Video: How to braid a plant (Oleander/ कनेर/ Nerium oleander)


The oleander likes it sunny

Oleander in the garden prefers sunny location

A tall oleander in the middle of a flower is a feast for the eyes - hardly any other plant attracts the flowering like this impressive, flower-strewn shrub. However, the oleander only unfolds its splendor when it feels good. For this he needs a lot of sun and heat.

Oleander loves warm and sunny

In summer, you should place oleander in a full sun and warm location, because in lack of light and cold, the plant will refuse you the flowering. Above all, make sure that the bucket is protected from wind and rain, whereby ideally it should have a protective house wall in the back - even better, the oleander is also under a roof projection or the like, so that the delicate flowers do not rain gotten. In particular, the varieties with filled flowers are very sensitive to rain, because the delicate flowers can turn brown and even be infected with moisture-loving fungi.

Winter as cold as possible - then Oleander may also stand dark

Only in winter, the evergreen oleander needs little light, provided that you overwinter it as cool as possible at a maximum of five degrees Celsius. The warmer the location in the cold season, the brighter it must be there.

Oleander needs a lot of moisture - but not from above

Although oleander does not tolerate rain, it still needs a lot of water. During the hot summer months you can water the bush once or twice a day. It also does not hurt him if the coaster is under the pot full of water and the plant thus has wet feet. Many Italian connoisseurs may now argue that the free-rooted oleander in their home on bone-dry soil. Rest assured, it just seems that way. The plant grows preferentially in waters, where the groundwater level is comparatively low. The roots are very deep, so that the oleander gets the needed wet directly from the ground.


In cold and rainy summers, the oleander bloom may well fail - after all, the shrub only blooms when it is warm and sunny enough. In this case, place the plant in a well-lit conservatory.