So pull yourself an oleander with trunk

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
A Tropical Escape with Texas Superstar® Plants with David Rodriguez
Video: A Tropical Escape with Texas Superstar® Plants with David Rodriguez


The oleander is a very nice strain

So pull yourself an oleander with trunk

Actually, oleander are as wide as high-growing shrubs, which can grow up to five feet high in good growing conditions - of course not if it is kept in a small bucket. By nature, the shrub develops several trunks, which from the bottom age as they age. This development is usually prevented with a regular rejuvenation cut. But you can also take advantage of them, by educating the shrub specifically to the high-trunk.

Oleander shrub to the Hochstamm educate - a guide

First of all, you will need a young oleander plant whose root ball you carefully divide into several pieces - each part should receive exactly one shoot and enough roots. Plant the isolated oleander pieces in a bucket with a suitable substrate and pour well. Place the pot in a light and warm place and water the young oleander trunk regularly. But the education to the Hochstamm is not finished yet:

Otherwise, the self-pulled Oleander Hochstamm is cut as well as any other Oleander shrub.

Maintain oleander strain properly

Oleander is a very intensive care plant that should be watered and fertilized regularly during the growing season. In the hot summer months, the oleander can be poured quietly every day and be fed at least once a week with a good flowering plant fertilizer. Young oleanders should also be repotted once a year, older specimens every five years.


Since oleander is not hardy, it must be cleared before the first frost in the cold, but frost-free winter quarters.