When should you put Oleander out the best?

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Oleander care and myth busting || Repotting and soil mix for a good bloom | Raktakarabi in Bengali
Video: Oleander care and myth busting || Repotting and soil mix for a good bloom | Raktakarabi in Bengali


The summer Oleander should spend outdoors

When should you put Oleander out the best?

Around the Mediterranean prevails in the winter rather mild temperatures. Strong frosts, snow and ice are extremely rare here. No wonder, then, that the Mediterranean oleander does not tolerate the cold and therefore best winters cool, but frost-free. However, the plant should not stay longer than absolutely necessary in winter quarters.

The colder the oleander overwinters, the sooner it can be cleared

Oleander should be kept as cool as possible at temperatures around five degrees Celsius. Plants that are kept at these temperatures over the cold season can also remain in a darker place and be brought out earlier than warmer wintered oleanders. Cool wintered oleander can - depending on the weather - be put out already between the beginning and the middle of April - but initially only by the hour. Overnight you should also protect the pots with bubble wrap or the like from the cold. Specimens that have wintered at temperatures above ten degrees Celsius, should, however, only from about the beginning to mid-May outdoors. These oleanders have often formed new shoots, which are very sensitive to cold.

Oleander slowly get used to the sun

When clearing out of the winter quarters, you should not put the oleander immediately in their proper place in the full sun. The plant is no longer used to their action and could suffer a sunburn. It is also possible that she reacts to the sudden shock by shedding the leaves. Instead, first place the oleander in a shady spot, as close as possible to a warming house wall, and slowly increase the sunshine from day to day. If cold weather is to be expected, it is best to put the plant back in its packaging or pack it warmly to protect against frost. Otherwise they may be damaged by the frost (eg dried leaves and shoots).

Cloudy or rainy days are ideal for clearing out

In order to protect the oleander from the harmful effects of the sun (keyword: UV light), it is best to pick it up from the winter quarters on a cloudy day or on a rainy day. So the plant has more time to get used to the new location and the conversion shock is not too massive.


As a rule of thumb for the wintering of oleanders always applies: Clean up the plants as late as possible in the winter quarters and as early as possible again.