The oleander is full of lice - what you can do now

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Aphids on Oleander can usually be successfully controlled; This is more difficult with scale insects

The oleander is full of lice - what you can do now

Unfortunately, the oleander is not only beautiful to look at, but also quite vulnerable to a lice infestation. Not only the ubiquitous aphids enjoy the Mediterranean ornamental shrub, but also the wool and shield lice, which are often found on potted plants. How to identify and eventually combat the various plant lice can be found in this article.


Aphids are not particularly picky when it comes to food choices; they take what they can get. The small, depending on the species black, green or yellow animals colonize almost every leafy plant, so of course the oleander. Here, especially the yellow aphids feel very well. The insect pests are found on all soft parts of plants, d. H. especially on the fresh shoots and inflorescences. Since the older leaves of the Oleander are quite hard, you can not be pierced by the Stechüsseln of the animals. Aphids in themselves do not cause too much damage, especially harmful are their sticky-sweet excretions. The so-called honeydew serves both ants and various mushrooms (especially the Rußtaupilz) as a food source. But until you can identify an aphid infestation thanks to wandering ant colonies and black leaf coatings, the annoying little beasts have proliferated diligently. Therefore, it is important to check the oleander regularly for a lice infestation.

What you can do

Lions are fortunately quite easy to fight. First of all, you blow off your infested oleander with a powerful stream of water, which effectively expels the animals once. Make sure, however, that the shrub can dry well and quickly afterwards - otherwise there will be a fungal infection afterwards. Also very effective against aphids is a spray treatment with self-made nettle. This also has the advantage of strengthening the plant's own defenses. If all this does not help, you will find in the retailer very effective anti-aphid agents.

Scale insects

Also scale insects are very often settled on oleanders and have it, as the aphids, apart from the nutritious sap. There are several types, but they all share the protective shield. This can be white, brown or humpbacked and black-brown. Scale insects are much harder to fight than aphids because of their protective shield, but they too can be effectively eliminated with simple means. You will find the animals mainly on the undersides of the leaves and on the older shoots.

What you can do

Against mildew lice simple preparations such as soft soap or rapeseed oil have proven particularly useful. Both remedies ensure that the animals suffocate and are thus rendered harmless. Spray the affected areas with a mixture of water, a dash of detergent (or just some soft soap) and a shot of rapeseed oil.


Mealybugs are rarely found on oleander plants but are mentioned here for the sake of completeness. You recognize a woolly louse infestation by the cotton-like, white coating, which appears primarily on the leaves and soft shoots.

What you can do

The control of mealybugs takes place just as in the case of the scale insects, whereby here also products on the basis of Neemöl are very effective.


In case of a strong sign or woolly louse infestation, it is advisable to cut back the oleander. The plant then offers less attack surface and you are a large part of difficult to remove, annoying animals ever go.