Oleander - perfect planting for the sunny balcony

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 5 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Stylish Balcony on a Budget | Plants and Decor (Diwali Special)
Video: Stylish Balcony on a Budget | Plants and Decor (Diwali Special)


In warm weather the oleander is allowed on the balcony

Oleander - perfect planting for the sunny balcony

The evergreen oleander blooms tirelessly between June and September with pretty, five-flowered flowers in delicate pink or violet tones. The bushy shrub, originally native to the warm regions around the Mediterranean, is a very popular ornamental shrub in this country, but insufficiently hardy. For this reason, a Kübelhaltung is recommended - perfect for patio and balcony.

Oleander always put alone in a bucket

At its natural location, the oleander is up to five meters high and grows very broad bushy. Of course, the shrub does not reach these dimensions on the home balcony, where it stays well below it and can also be kept in shape quite simply by cutting measures. Nevertheless, the oleander belongs alone in a large planter so that it comes to its best advantage. Oleander needs space and tolerates no Beipflanzung, so the very vigorous plant does not belong in a balcony box.

The right care of the oleander

First of all: Oleander loves the sun and the warmth. Therefore, you should consider planting oleander only if your balcony is both sunny and sheltered - it is ideal if it faces south. In addition, the location should not be drafty - drafts Oleander does not tolerate very well. Bear in mind that oleander needs a lot of water and should be watered vigorously at least once or twice a day, especially during the hot summer months. In addition, the regular supply of nutrients is immensely important for the starvationist. In the growing season, fertilize the oleander once or twice a week with a fertilizer for flowering plants. To be on the safe side, however, you go with a long-term fertilizer, which must be administered only once at the beginning of the growing season.

Oleander hibernate on the balcony

Since oleander is not hardy, you should overwinter the shrub in the cool season in a cool (ideally around five degrees Celsius) and bright room. If you do not have such a possibility, you can also store it in a nursery. If you live in a region with rather mild winters, it is also possible to hibernate on the balcony - provided you pack the shrub well. But beware: Oleander can stand at most to minus five degrees Celsius and that only for a short time.


In spring, you can cut back the shrub about half way.