Moss breeding with buttermilk - How to do it right

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How to Grow Moss Using the Buttermilk Method
Video: How to Grow Moss Using the Buttermilk Method


Buttermilk promotes the growth of moss

Moss breeding with buttermilk - How to do it right

Nature painting from moss is one of the latest trends in the creative design of gardens and living spaces. In order for the ambitious plan to succeed, it's not just about the right recipe. How to grow a living graffiti yourself from moss and buttermilk, we explain here.

Choice of underlay and location set the course

It is in the land of fables that you can breed moss on any surface and in any location. As practice has shown, the rootless land plant is very picky in this regard. Only when the following premises are met can you hope for a lush green moss pad:

Instructions for recipe and procedure

Access a moss species that is native to your region. Collect 2 handful from it and remove dirt and impurities from under running water.Put the moss in a blender and add 2 cups of buttermilk as nutrient medium. Run the blender only until it has a creamy, non-dripping texture. Proceed as follows:

Work is easier if you use ready-made templates or outline the shape you want. Please keep slightly moist the cultured moss in the following period by spraying it with soft water. In view of the slow growth, at least 2 months will take to reach a satisfactory result.


Until moss and buttermilk form a handsome upholstery, a lot of patience is required. It works faster by sticking mosses collected in the forest to the desired surface. This is possible with a simple, inexpensive paper glue from the department store.