Nolina or elephant foot care - Tips for care

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 4 September 2021
Update Date: 19 June 2024
Care of Nolina Palm / Ponytail Palm / Elephant Foot Palm || How to Grow and Care Nolina Palm
Video: Care of Nolina Palm / Ponytail Palm / Elephant Foot Palm || How to Grow and Care Nolina Palm


Nolina is a very attractive houseplant

Nolina or elephant foot care - Tips for care

Nolina owes the name elephant foot to the tubers, from which grow slim, green leaves. In the home of the ornamental plant, the tubers are very large, in room culture, they remain rather small. The care of this extraordinary houseplant is not difficult. That's how you care for Nolina.

What should be considered when casting?

Nolina stores water in the tubers. That's why you have to be careful while casting something. Too much moisture damages the plant and leads to decay.

Water Nolina regularly during the growing season without waterlogging. Excess irrigation water should be released immediately. Wait between the individual pourings until the substrate is almost dry. Even prolonged dry periods tolerate Nolina well.

In winter, water even more sparingly so that the substrate is just a bit damp.

When is Nolina fertilized?

Too much fertilizer damages the plant. Fertilize with liquid fertilizer on a monthly basis. But reduce the fertilizer quantities significantly.

Do you have to cut Nolina?

You must not cut Nolina. Dry leaves just pluck.

In order to multiply Nolina, separate off Nolina sprouts, which after a short period of drying put them in prepared pots with potting soil.

When is time to repot?

The elephant foot needs very little earth. It grows slowly so you do not have to repot it often.

Only when the tubers protrude strongly from the pot and the vessel is completely rooted, topple Nolina.

The substrate is well-drained soil. Ideal is a mix of:

Which diseases and pests occur?

Waterlogging leads to rotting and browning of the leaf tips.

As pests, lice and mealybugs can occur. Afflicted leaves pluck. Spray the plant with soft soap solution.

How do you care for Nolina in winter?

Between October and March, Nolina takes a break. During this time, the plant must be kept cooler. Temperatures between 10 and 14 degrees are ideal in winter.

The winter location must be moderately light in winter.


Nolina needs a bright location during the growth phase, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. You can easily hold the plant in the middle of the room, as long as enough light falls there.