Can the Mexican sunflower overwinter in the garden?

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
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The Mexican sunflower is used to Mexican winters and therefore does not tolerate frost

Can the Mexican sunflower overwinter in the garden?

With its bright orange cup flowers, the Mexican sunflower is reminiscent of a large zinnia or tagetes. We want to experience so much color splendor every year in the garden. The question arises as to whether the exotic flower can hibernate in the Central European climate?

Mexican sunflower is not frost resistant

In contrast to hardy perennial sunflowers, the Mexican sunflower has nothing to oppose frosty temperatures. The planting time does not start until April / May, when no more ground frosts are expected. At the end of their months-long flowering season, cut off the stalks near the ground in autumn or dig up the root ball.

Seeds reap for propagation

The lack of hardiness of a Tithonia diversifolia does not mean that you have to do without the flower festival next year. Harvest the ripe seeds in the fall to sow them on the windowsill at 18 to 20 degrees Celsius in late March. Until mid-May, you will be holding vital young plants, which you will plant in the sunny spot.