Dig the lawn with a cutter

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How to Remove Turf / Grass
Video: How to Remove Turf / Grass


Milling is useful on uneven lawn

Dig the lawn with a cutter

It is not always advisable to destroy the old lawn with a cutter. This measure has disadvantages and is only suitable for specific purposes. Alternatively, gentle interventions that less impair valuable soil life are suitable.

When milling is useful

During milling, mosses, grasses and weeds are crushed on the surface. The electrically operated devices simultaneously loosen up the ground. High-performance milling processes the soil to a depth of between 60 and 80 centimeters. Milling is only recommended if the surface has severe unevenness. If you want to convert a lawn into a marsh or horse meadow, this measure is also useful.

Advantages and disadvantages

Plowing also transports seeds of unwanted plants to the surface of the soil, which were released into the soil through previous care measures. A fast-guarded lawn substitute prevents these seeds from germinating. The soil structure is disturbed when digging. Every soil layer contains special soil organisms that depend on the respective conditions. When these conditions are destroyed, the soil needs time to regenerate.

Particular care should be taken when plants and grasses with rhizomes have spread in your lawn. Wheatgrass and Giersch develop a far-reaching root system, which is never completely removed from the earth during milling. There is a risk that root parts remain in the substrate and later expel them again.

These are the benefits of digging:

Alternatives to digging

An old lawn with weak bumps can be renewed with a soil conserving method. Spread an opaque tarpaulin on the surface and complain with stones. Under the film photosynthesis comes to a standstill and the old plant population dies. After six months, first successes are visible. It takes up to 24 months for the vegetation to completely retract under the tarp.

Bumps balance with a mixture of sand and compost. Then you can distribute a grass seed mixture on the surface. When sowing, ensure an even distribution. The seeds must then be pressed so that they get a contact to the ground. Alternatively, turfs are suitable for a quick greening of the area. This method also offers the advantage that weed seeds can not germinate under the turf. Thorough irrigation ensures that the grass carpet grows.

If the lawn is heavily matted, it may make sense to peel off the sward. Lawn peelers remove the upper soil layer with a thickness between five and ten centimeters. All plants are removed along with their roots, without rhizome parts being buried in deeper earth layers. You can turn the turf pieces 180 degrees and put it back on the surface. This will keep the nutrient balance of the soil upright and avoid having to plant new topsoil.