Cutting information and tips about the nectarine tree

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to prune peach & nectarine trees
Video: How to prune peach & nectarine trees


Cutting information and tips about the nectarine tree

There are some tips that make it easier and better to cut the nectarine tree. Those who follow them sustainably supports the health of the tree. Those who also use the right tools will be rewarded with a good harvest and sun-ripened nectarines.

Early article Plant a nectarine tree yourself - a guide Next article Simple and uncomplicated - the care of a nectarine tree

Why the right cut is important

The right time to cut the nectarine tree is in September right after the harvest of nectarines. The aim of the cut is

If a nectarine tree is not cut, fruits without taste develop. Due to the aging of the branches, they will also break off by the weight of the nectarines. For this reason, it is important to cut the nectarine tree strongly every year so that it has the chance to develop sufficiently young and, above all, viable shoots.

How is a nectarine tree cut?

The cut begins by removing all dead and old branches and broken twigs. The best fruits grow on the wood grown in the previous year with the consequence that side shoots, which have already borne fruit, are only cut down to the replacement shoots. Strong fruit shoots with two flower buds are only slightly shortened, while weak fruit shoots are severely cut.

Cutting the nectarine tree follows the following basic principle: A strong pruning is followed by a strong sprouting in the spring, while with a weak pruning the sprouting is comparatively weak. In that regard, the cut has a major impact on the subsequent harvest, which only fails if the nectarine tree is maintained and cut each year accordingly.

It depends on the right tool

In order to cut a nectarine tree, sharp and high-quality tool should be used. For pruning, pruning shears are enough, while larger branches are pruned with pruning shears. Thicker branches, for example in the crown area, are removed with a pruning saw or an adjustable hacksaw. If mosses, lichens or ovipositions of pests are found on the nectarine tree, they are brushed off with a wire brush.

Tips & Tricks

It is recommended to grow the nectarine tree as a bush, because it has more protection from frost and rain through the bushes. The goal is an open crown, which is continuously rejuvenated by regular care and careful editing.