Sowing from the Adder's Head - you should know that!

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Sowing from the Adder's Head - you should know that! - Garden
Sowing from the Adder's Head - you should know that! - Garden


From August, the seeds of the adder's head can be collected for sowing

Sowing from the Adder's Head - you should know that!

Bright blue flowers, which enjoy a high popularity with bees and bumblebees, make the extremely little care-demanding adder's head an appealing wild shrub. Who wants to sow it, should note that sowing does not work everywhere ...

Sowing - time and place

If you have bought the seeds from the Adderhead, you can begin sowing at the beginning of February. The seeds are sown directly in the field or in deep pots on the balcony. A preculture is not recommended, as the Adderhead quickly forms deep roots and would not tolerate a Umpflanzaktion.

Alternatively, the sowing can also take place in the late summer to fall, for example, with seeds from their own production. After seed maturity, the seeds are best germinated. If you are sown in late summer, there is enough time to form the leaf rosette and the flowers will appear next year.

The ideal place for sowing

Since the Adderhead feels most comfortable in full sun and dry places, you should ideally sow it in such a location as well. The earth there should be structured as follows:

Attention: cold and dark germ

The seeds should not be sown at home in the warm living room, but outside in the cool outdoor area. They do not germinate at room temperature, but need temperatures between 10 and 15 ° C. They are 2 to 3 cm thick covered with soil, as they are dark germ.

Keep substrate moist and wait

Keep the substrate evenly moist. It is important that it is not wet, because that can quickly lead to the fouling of the seeds or entering the young plants. It takes about 6 weeks for the seeds to germinate.

Harvest or buy the seeds

You can reap the seeds yourself. Normally, the fruit maturity of the Adderhead is between mid-August and late September. The seeds are in the Klausen fruits, which are brown when mature and dried up. They are tiny, smooth and black - reminiscent of black sesame.


The leaf rosettes of Echium, which form in the first year, overwinter and only in the second year, the flowers appear.