The right pruning ensures rich Nashi crops

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 1 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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The right pruning ensures rich Nashi crops

Nashi pears bear more fruit than, for example, an apple or pear tree. The trees must therefore be regularly cut back so that they remain compact and can regularly develop new inflorescences. This is how you ensure the right pruning.

Previous article Nashi Trees - Which varieties are suitable for growing? Next article When are Nashi pears ripe?

Pruning for richer crops

Already in the first year you ensure with a strong pruning that in the second year many fruits can ripen.

All annual shoots are cut back so they are no longer than a meter.

In the following years, all shoots are cut in half. This promotes the revival of young shoots, which later grow Nashi pears.

care section

You should also remove drooping branches. Fruits growing on them do not get enough light and therefore remain small.They also do not taste as sweet as Nashis who have been standing in full sun.

Nashi trees tolerate cutbacks easily. Spring and fall are most suitable for pruning.

Nursing cuts may be carried out throughout the year. You can not do much wrong. Cut off too much rather than too little if you want to harvest many apple pears. It is only important that the inflorescences get enough sun.

Cut nashi pear into shape

To make the Nashi pears a decorative eye-catcher in the garden, you should cut the trees into shape. The following tree forms are suitable for this:

In the case of trees planted in the field, you will start pruning in the first year to obtain a beautiful and easy-care form.

Thin inflorescences

Nashis form in fruit tufts. Each tuft consists of ten to twelve flowers, from which develop with proper fertilization and good weather just as many fruits.

Since too many Nashis side by side do not have enough space and therefore are not ripe, you have to fringe the fruit stalls. Leave only two small apple pears on each fruit stand.

Tips & Tricks

When cultivating the Nashi pear in a bucket, you do not just have to cut the tree regularly. They should tie the shoots to buttresses so they do not break under the weight of the fruit. In winter, set the bucket as cool as possible but frost-free. In the field, Nashis are hardy.
