Grow moss - This is how it works in the bed and on walls

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
💚 How to 𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐰 𝐌𝐨𝐬𝐬 on Stone. Secret Pro Formula 🙂
Video: 💚 How to 𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐰 𝐌𝐨𝐬𝐬 on Stone. Secret Pro Formula 🙂


Moss can be used to green bare stones quickly and easily

Grow moss - This is how it works in the bed and on walls

The increased understanding of our nature results not least in a new appreciation of moss. Instead of fighting the small, rootless land plant, ecologically oriented gardeners strive to settle them in the garden. How to grow moss in the bed and on stone, learn here.

So you green a bed of moss

One of the many benefits of moss is that it thrives in places that avoid other ornamental and crop plants. To green a shady spot in the garden with moist, compacted soil, numerous species of moss are the ideal problem solvers. How to grow moss as groundcover:

Water the Moosbeet regularly on the day of planting and later, as drought is the biggest threat to the green carpet at this stage.

Grow moss on stones and walls - That's how it works

Since moss does not have roots, it also likes to settle on stone documents. As long as the location is not in the blazing sun, humid and lean, create a green patina on walls or stones with moss. If you want to go fast, arrange small mosses on the surface, which you previously coated with liquid leaf compost or nettle.

If the time factor plays a subordinate role, grow moss with a special mixture on horizontal and vertical surfaces. To do this, pour 2 handfuls of minced, water-rinsed moss pieces into a blender. Then pour 2 cups of buttermilk or yoghurt. The ingredients mix only briefly, because it should develop a coarse, viscous consistency. You brush facades, garden walls, stone figures, boulders and similar stone documents.


The images presented on the Internet everywhere with pin sharp moss graffiti are not created from the propagated mixture of moss and buttermilk. Rather, it hides behind the creative work of world-renowned artist Anna Garforth. Your trick is to stick finished moss pads and cut into shape.