So remove moss and lichen from pavement and patio

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Garden Gurus - Removing Moss from Pavers
Video: The Garden Gurus - Removing Moss from Pavers


Lichen and moss are not the same

So remove moss and lichen from pavement and patio

On a background of stone green moss or a colorful patina of lichen is not a nice sight. Good to know that both wrongdoers are to be removed with the same methods. How to effectively eliminate moss and lichen from paved areas and terraces, read here.

Are moss and lichen identical?

Visually, moss and lichens are confusingly similar. In addition, both species favor shady, humid and cool conditions. So all the similarities are already mentioned, because from a botanical point of view there are serious differences. Moos are green, rootless land plants. Lichens on the other hand represent a colorful, symbiotic community of fungi and algae, so they are not real plants.

Tips for removing moss and lichen from stone

The earlier you go to the removal of the surface, the lower the effort. With a wire brush, the joint scraper or the hard scrubber, there are good prospects of effective cleaning in the early infestation stage. If there are still stubborn residues, you can do the rest with these agents:

Less strenuous proves the fight with biodegradable products from retailers. These include Compo Bio moss-free or Celaflor Naturen moss-free and Natria 3 hours organic weed-free. On the other hand, manual reworking is usually not spared. Self-cleaning products such as Celaflor Stone Cleaner or GrünEx Stone Cleaner are based on chemical ingredients and all the associated risks to health and nature.


Mosses and lichens do no damage to trees. Both the green land plants and the colorful communities use the bark only as a base to cling to it. As a parasite moss and lichens do not work, so that a fight is not required.