To remove moss from pavement and patio in harmony with nature

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 16 June 2024
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Video: 8 POWERFUL HOMEMADE ROOTING HORMONES| Natural Rooting Stimulants for Gardening


Moss can be successfully controlled with simple home remedies

To remove moss from pavement and patio in harmony with nature

If paving stones are covered with moss, the neat appearance is considerably impaired. If the terrace is in a shady, damp location, it will not be spared by the green patina. How to remove moss from stones successfully with natural remedies can be found out here.

Moss Removers from the Kitchen - Tips for Proven Home Remedies

In the environmentally and health-conscious household, the grip on chemical agents has long been frowned upon. Consequently, the focus is on classic home remedies to eliminate the annoying and slippery moss coating of stones. You can apply the following moss removers immediately, because they are part of the basic equipment in every kitchen shelf:

The recommended moss killers from the kitchen are all the more successful the more consistently they are used. As is typical for all home remedies, a single application usually does not suffice. Do not let that irritate you. Instead, repeat the application until you have banished all moss from stones and patio.

Eliminate moss with muscle lard - How to succeed

It is an indisputable fact that paving stones made of natural stone and washed concrete are very sensitive to working with liquids of all kinds. Instead of using too harsh moss killers that do more harm than good, you can eliminate moss effectively and without risk manually. This is best achieved with a wire brush or joint brush, if the moss coating is damp.

Leave high-pressure cleaner and thermal devices on the left side

Do not touch the moss on your patio or the paved path with a high-pressure cleaner or a flame-retardant device. Such rabid methods of control only seemingly remove the green covering of stones. In fact, the surface is so affected that the next generation of moss has an easy time and spreads all the more persistently.

Ecological moss killers from the shop at a glance

To eliminate moss with home remedies or manually, a lot of work and time is required. You can avoid this problem by purchasing a moss remover with ecologically harmless ingredients. The following list presents products with good ratings:


If you have successfully fought the moss on stones, simply prevent re-infestation by sprinkling sand between the paving stones in all the joints and cracks. On the fine crumbly ground, moss plants and other weeds quickly cease to hold ground.