Which location do Montbretien prefer?

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to plant Crocosmia corms (Montbretia) - FarmerGracy.co.uk
Video: How to plant Crocosmia corms (Montbretia) - FarmerGracy.co.uk


The sunnier the Montbretie is, the more flowers it shows

Which location do Montbretien prefer?

The enchanting Montbretien are among the oldest ornamental plants and were already popular in grandmother's time. They are originally from the mild mountainous regions of South Africa, where they form dense plant colonies.

The right location

In order for the Montbretien to flower abundantly, you should give the plants a warm, sunny and sheltered location. Here are the Montbretien with some winter protection also frost hardy and must not be excavated in the fall.

Also of importance is the soil condition, because the small tubers quickly start to rot in case of waterlogging. Cover heavy or compacted soil with sand so that the water drains well.


If the Montbretie is too cold and too shady, the flowering time is shortened significantly and the plant may not even flower. In this case, transplant Montbretie to a warmer location, for example, in front of a wall that stores the heat and releases it at night.