Why does my Monstera have brown spots? - Tips for common causes

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Monstera Deliciosa success and problems | How to fix brown spots on monstera deliciosa
Video: Monstera Deliciosa success and problems | How to fix brown spots on monstera deliciosa


If the Monstera is too cold, she will turn brown

Why does my Monstera have brown spots? - Tips for common causes

Brown spots spoil the magnificent jewelry leaves and signal that your window leaf is not feeling well. If the cause is not found out, brown leaves are always pre-programmed, which die off and fall to the ground. Use our tips on common causes and how to fix the problem.

In the cold, brown spots are not far away

Your window leaf loves a warm, humid location with moderate light conditions. Cold can not tolerate the exotic jewel even for a short time. If the window is opened in the winter for a few minutes in winter, so that the temperatures fall below 15 degrees Celsius, brown spots with a bright border are formed. If Monstera are exposed to permanent cold, brown leaves are the answer to this stress.

If you can diagnose low temperatures as the cause of brown spots and brown leaves, relocating will fix the problem. Sometimes it may be sufficient to tilt the window in the immediate vicinity of the window during the winter time no longer.

Eye blotch (Spilocaea oleagina)

If site problems can be ruled out as the cause of brown spots and brown leaves, illnesses come to the fore. It is often the ophthalmopathy that manifests itself with these symptoms. The fungal infection owes its name to brown spots with a bright yard, which spread visibly over the whole leaf. This is how the fight succeeds:

Since eye-bladder disease spreads very slowly, the removal of already infected leaves as a control measure may already be sufficient. By spraying the weakened window leaf regularly with a bouillon of horsetail or liverwort extract at the same time, the body's defenses are strengthened. Only under high infestation pressure the handle to a copper-containing fungicide is required.


On sunburn a window leaf reacts with light brown spots and dark edge. Affected are Monstera species on the south window of living rooms or on the summery balcony. Settle the plant immediately to a partially shaded spot on the west or east window. On the balcony, an awning should filter the sunlight.