To multiply the midday flower itself

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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The midday flower is relatively easy to multiply

To multiply the midday flower itself

Colloquially, the name Mittagsblume is used in this country for various plant species, but the most important representatives of the midday flowers are the blossoming beauties of the genus Delosperma. These predominantly South African plants with a particularly enduring flowering time can be easily multiplied by hobby gardeners.

Early article The midday flower: flowering time and characteristics Next article The midday flower: Under what conditions is it hardy?

The propagation of delosperma by cuttings

For the propagation of cuttings of the selected mother plants of the midday flower in the spring or fall to cut off about finger-length pieces of woody shoots. It is best to press it lightly on the leanest possible soil in a planter. Then place the container with the cuttings in a sheltered place with as little direct sunlight as possible.During the following two to three weeks, the midday flower cuttings should be watered as little as possible. Roots have usually formed as soon as new growth on the shoots becomes visible. Then the rooted cuttings can also be carefully transplanted to another pot or rock garden.

Draw midday flowers from seeds yourself

The Latin name Delosperma refers to the midday flowers as the shape of the open seed pods. As a result, it is often relatively unnoticed to self-sow the plants at suitable locations in the garden. Seeds for controlled sowing are either purchased commercially or collected with the seed pods after flowering and kept dry. From February, the seeds of the midday flower are sown on the windowsill and always kept slightly moist. Also important for successful breeding are the following conditions:

In the garden create the optimal conditions for midday flowers

In order for the midday flowers in the garden to expand into large cushions and carpets with many single flowers, you do not need much care, but very pase site conditions. Key location factors include the following conditions:


Not all subspecies of the genus Delosperma are fully hardy in Central Europe. Basically, the species that are only a few centimeters high along the ground are winter-proof than higher-growing species. Nocturnal flowers grown from seeds or cuttings should be planted in early spring so that the plants can grow well at the site until winter.