Mimosas are not easy to overwinter

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Virgin Mimosa Recipe - Laura Vitale - Laura in the Kitchen Episode 388
Video: Virgin Mimosa Recipe - Laura Vitale - Laura in the Kitchen Episode 388


Mimosas need it bright and warm even in winter

Mimosas are not easy to overwinter

Mimosa are often kept only one year, because the wintering of non-hardy plant difficult. If you want to start an attempt to overwinter a mimosa, you must ensure high humidity. The right care in winter.

Previous article Mimosa better not cut at all or little

Hibernate mimosas properly

Mimosas are not hardy and do not tolerate frost. Ideally, they are pulled throughout the year at 18 to 22 degrees in the room. The location must be as bright as possible.

The dry heating air makes mimosa very difficult. Therefore, do not place the plant near hot radiators.

The humidity should be at least 50 percent better still 60 percent. Direct spraying does not tolerate the mimosa. Therefore, place bowls with water nearby.


High humidity in winter is also important to protect mimosa from spider mite infestation. These occur especially when the air is too dry.