Plant peonies: when, where and how?

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to plant peonies video with Thompson & Morgan
Video: How to plant peonies video with Thompson & Morgan


Peonies should be planted in a bright, warm location

Plant peonies: when, where and how?

They can be found both as perennials and as woody plants in the trade - the peonies. Once you have planted them properly and occasionally treat them with some care, you can enjoy them for decades without a regular rejuvenation of the plant. Below you will read how to plant peonies properly!

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When do you plant peonies?

Peonies are usually planted, although they are also commercially available. Containers can be planted year-round, provided there is no frost and the ground is frozen. Root-bare specimens should preferably be planted outdoors in autumn.

It is ideal - for all peonies - to put them in the ground between September and the end of October. Then they can root well until next spring. But beware: In the first winter you should cover the peonies sufficiently.

Which location is suitable for the plants?

You wish your peony bloomed abundantly? Then you should choose a bright and warm location for them. Peonies like to grow in absonnigen places like under deciduous trees, which give them some shade. But a fully shaded location should not come into question for them.

Put your peony in the sun or partial shade! When choosing a location, make sure that the location is protected from the wind, for example on the wall or on a wall. It would be ideal if the location is sunny, but shaded at noon. Thus, the peonies are preserved in the summer from heat.

Which location is also completely unsuitable?

Also noteworthy in choosing the location is that the peony should not be planted where a peony was previously. Anyone who does that risks the new peony forming a meager growth and hardly flowers at all. The reason: so-called soil fatigue.

Can peonies be cultivated on the balcony?

Peonies form long roots that reach deep into the ground. For this reason, they are rather unsuitable for the pot and tub culture. Who wants to plant them in the tub, should choose a very deep bucket. He should be about 50 cm deep. It is better to plant the peony in the field.

How should the substrate be?

In addition to the location, the substrate also plays a crucial role. The most important thing is that it is profound. Further advantageous are the following aspects:

How to sow peonies properly?

For sowing the following notes:

At which planting distance should one pay attention?

The planting distance depends on the peony species and variety. Perennial peonies should be set at a distance of 1 m. For rather low varieties, a planting distance of 80 cm is sufficient. Shrub peonies need much more space. Here a minimum distance of 120 cm is recommended. So that the plants do not seem to be crowded together, a distance of 200 cm is more appropriate.

When do peonies bloom?

Depending on the species and variety, peonies bloom at different times. There are the 'early bloomers' among them that are already blooming in April. This includes, for example, the precious peony, Claire de Lune '. Most specimens bloom from May and until June.

How do you plant the plants step by step?

Planting perennial peonies is easy:

The cut-friendly shrub peonies are planted in a similar way. There are two main differences! They should be placed slightly obliquely in the ground. The result is that the plant develops more head shoots and becomes bushier in growth. In addition, it is important to place shrub peonies with the processing station 10 to 15 cm below the surface.


Choose the location carefully and wisely! Peonies tolerate a later Umpflanzaktion extremely bad.