Store a fully ripe melon properly

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Store a fully ripe melon properly

Many melons are among the non-climacteric fruits, so they only mature to a very limited extent. In a harvest after picking maturity, the storage temperature and the integrity of the shell determine the possible duration of storage of a melon.

Recognize a ripe melon

To enjoy the maximum aroma of a melon, you should choose as fully ripe fruits as possible when buying or harvesting in the garden. Since melons are botanically a vegetable, the correct harvest time can be recognized by the dying of the plant parts. When you hit a watermelon, it sounds deep and dull when it's ripe. In addition, all mature melons have a higher weight than immature specimens of smaller size. For watermelons of large varieties such as the Crimson Sweet, there is a yellow spot on the tray at the tray, this indicates the full ripeness of the fruit. With sugar melons, however, you have to rely more on your sense of smell, they exude ripe a pleasantly sweet smell.

The storage of not yet cut melons

In principle, a ripe melon can always be stored longest if it has not been cut open and has an intact shell. For reasons of space, the fruit is usually stored uncooled, but cool and dry basements are preferable to other rooms with higher temperatures. Depending on the periods of time that have elapsed since the harvest, the different types of melon can be stored for between one and three weeks, before quality losses in taste and texture occur. Storing in the refrigerator prolongs the possible storage period, as maturing processes are slowed down at low temperatures.

Store cut melons and freeze them?

A melon that has already been cut should be consumed within a few days, even if stored in a refrigerator. Smaller varieties such as the delicious Charentais melon are easier to consume even by individuals fresh. Since melons become relatively soggy when thawed after freezing, freezing provides satisfactory results only for pureed melons for smoothies.

Tips & Tricks

A longer storage of melons over several months is possible if you put it as a spicy vegetable garnish in vinegar. Pickled watermelons are a popular side dish in many Eastern European countries.