Why does the Medinilla magnifica lose its leaves?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 4 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Shall I CUT Medinilla Magnifica Flower Spikes | Medinilla Magnifica Care After BLOOMING
Video: Shall I CUT Medinilla Magnifica Flower Spikes | Medinilla Magnifica Care After BLOOMING


If the location does not like it, the Medinille leaves

Why does the Medinilla magnifica lose its leaves?

The Medinilla magnifica is unfortunately one of the houseplants whose care is not easy. Even the smallest care mistakes lead to the Medinille not blooming or losing its leaves. Only if all demands on location and care are met, will the exceptional houseplant spoil the garden friend with its pretty flowers and leaves.

Early article Medinilla magnifica often suffers from illnesses Next article Preventing brown leaves on the medinilla magnifica

Causes of deciduous leaves of Medinilla magnifica

If the medinilla magnifica loses its leaves or turns brown, there are a number of causes:

Here, the location of the plant plays a particularly important role.

The right location for the Medinilla magnifica

In a favorable location is very bright without the Medinille is exposed to strong direct sunlight. Only in the winter months does it tolerate sun well. Find a place where it is only sunny in the morning or in the evening.

The Medinilla magnifica does not like it when it is moved or rotated too often. If you need to move it to another location, make sure that the plant at the new location is in the same direction to the light as before.

Draft does not tolerate the Medinille!

Increase humidity by spraying

To prevent the Medinilla magnifica from losing its leaves due to low humidity, you should spray it with water more often. The installation of water bowls near the plants increases the humidity.

Sufficient high humidity also prevents diseases and pest infestation.

Medinille discards buds and / or flowers

If the flower buds or the flowers of Medinilla magnifica fall off, it may also be due to the fact that the plant moved too often or was exposed to drafts.

Mostly the cause is for deciduous buds and flowers but wrong care in winter.


In order for the Medinilla magnifica to develop many flowers, it needs a rest in winter. Place the plant in a bright place with temperatures around 16 degrees for two to three months. During the break, you only water enough that the root ball does not dry out completely.