Mole devastates the garden - what to do?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 28 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Man blows up his back garden
Video: Man blows up his back garden


With special equipment, moles can be easily distributed

Mole devastates the garden - what to do?

If a mole plague haunts the garden, the area is like a lunar landscape in no time and is tunneled through with a sprawling cave system. What to do, asks the plagued gardener, if he wants to get rid of the Wühler again. As the Federal Nature Conservation Act for the control of moles has narrow limits, the choice of funds is very limited. This guide explains how to effectively and effectively combat the mole.

Lawmakers leave little room for molehills

Objectively speaking, the mole is a pseudo-pest. In truth, the furry mammal kills tons of real pests, such as meadow snakes, snails, weevil and larvae and insect eggs of all kinds. At the same time, a mole loosens up the soil in its grained activity, from which ornamental and useful plants profit.

Since 1988, the industrious insect eater is subject to the strict protection of the Federal Nature Conservation Act, as he was threatened with extinction due to merciless persecution. Only the gentle eviction is allowed, for example, if there is a threat of molting in the garden floor as a result of a molehill. Trapping, hunting or even killing moles will be punished with heavy fines of up to € 50,000.

Getting rid of smells - that stinks the fine Mole nose

The eyesight of a mole is indeed severely limited. In turn, the insectivore has a pronounced sense of smell to sniff its prey deep in the earth. This circumstance uses the Vergrämungs strategy to combat a molehill poison-free and legally compliant. These agents have proven themselves well in practice:

If you want to get rid of a mole plague with the least possible effort, Neudorff offers a ready-made remedy with vole gas. This gas is based on natural lavadin oil, which settles on the tunnels and emits an unpleasant odor for voles, shearing mice and moles. The cartridge is inserted into a tunnel opening and ignited.

Fighting with noise - this is how the acoustic eviction succeeds

Moles only seemingly have no ears. In fact, the cute fur ball missing only earcups, because they are excellent. On their patrols underground, they make even the slightest sounds of their potential prey. At this point, another method is used to combat the pests in harmony with nature and the law. This Radau sends the entire Mole population of the garden into exile:

If you want to get rid of a molting noise with noise, we recommend this method for lonely gardens to avoid annoyance with annoyed neighbors. As has been proven in field trials, ultrasonic devices cause little or no success in the mole control.

Live trap requires a special permit

Where there is a demonstrable high risk of injury due to burial of the soil, a claim for the use of a live trap can be made. If the competent nature conservation authority follows your arguments, you will receive a special permit for this form of mole control. You can buy adequate traps in specialist shops or build them yourself with a little manual skill. How to use the remedy correctly:

The trap is checked at least twice a day. The food it contains is not nearly enough to save a captured mole from starving. Soon a trapped animal comes into a bucket that is softly padded with foliage. In a nearby deciduous or mixed forest, the mole is released into freedom.

Successful mole fighting requires active tunnels

Unlike voles, moles use most passages of their tunnel system only once or very rarely. In order for the mole-fighting with odors or noise to succeed, the means described should be used on an active tunnel. How to determine if a corridor is being frequented:

The informative value of the experiment remains only for a short time. Given their countless predators, moles have only a short life expectancy. The cause of yesterday's mound may already have fallen victim to cat, dog, owl or fox.


Smart house gardeners already prevent a mole plague when they re-create a garden. To ensure that beds and lawns are not spoiled by molehills, a knot-proof mole grille will be laid in time. The sturdy material has been well proven for prophylactic mole control, as it reliably withstands the lifting of furry powerhouses.