Water mango trees properly

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
When To Water Mango Tree | आम के पेड़ को कब पानी दें
Video: When To Water Mango Tree | आम के पेड़ को कब पानी दें


Water mango trees properly

The mango is originally from the tropics, so it prefers a warm location with high humidity. However, persistent wetness at the roots makes them easy to rot. That's why mango trees should not be over-watered.

Previous article How to grow a mango tree Next article So plant your mango tree properly

To prevent waterlogging, ensure a drainage and a good drainage layer in the plant pot. Since the mango forms very deep tap roots, the planter should be as high as possible. Place a few potsherds or larger stones over the drain hole in the bucket. Only then fill the potting soil in the pot and plant the mango.

Unlike many other plants, the mango needs no hibernation. That is why it is evenly poured and fertilized throughout the year. It's enough if you water your mango once a week. But you should spray your leaves daily with lukewarm water.

The perfect irrigation water

Mango trees need soft, low-calcium water. This applies not only to the irrigation water but also to the regular spraying of the plants as often as possible. Calcified water could form asphyxiant deposits and lead to unsightly limescale on the leaves of the plant.

The calcium content of your tap water can be obtained from your water supplier or determined yourself using a test strip. If it contains too much lime, you can filter the water or let it stand for at least a week to reduce the lime content, or you can use rainwater instead.

Gain low-calcium water:

Tips & Tricks

Water your mango tree only moderately, but sprinkle it daily with lime-free water, it prefers dry roots and high humidity.