The fascinating world of mango varieties

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
Top 10 World Famous Mango Varieties
Video: Top 10 World Famous Mango Varieties


The fascinating world of mango varieties

Of the more than 1000 existing mango varieties only about 30 different species come to the German market. They differ not only in shape and color but also in taste considerably from each other.

Next article How to grow a mango tree

Mangoes vary in size from about the size of a plum to about two kilos of fruit. However, most of our mangos trade between 150 g and 680 g. The color varies between red, yellow and green. The shape of the mango can be very different, for example, heart-shaped, round or oval.

Popular mangos:

Haden: the most widely cultivated variety of mango in the world, oval fruit, rich yellow skin with scarlet overflow, sunny yellow aromatic and slightly fibrous flesh

When is a mango ripe?

The color reveals practically nothing about the maturity of a mango. Because depending on the variety there are fully ripe deep green and immature but beautiful red fruits. Ripe mangoes smell very fragrant and give way to a light finger pressure. The emphasis is on "easy". It must not be squeezed, otherwise there will be a lazy place. In addition, the shell of a ripe mango usually shows small dark spots.

Tips & Tricks

A ripe mango can be recognized by its intense scent. On the other hand, if it smells sour or alcoholic, then it is overripe and you should not eat it anymore.