Almond Tree: From the right care to the magnificent flowers

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
[Audio Book] The Poem of the Man-God / Series1 / Pre-Gospel / Mary’s Childhood / Accompanied
Video: [Audio Book] The Poem of the Man-God / Series1 / Pre-Gospel / Mary’s Childhood / Accompanied


Almond Tree: From the right care to the magnificent flowers

The magnificent almond blossom delights every Gärnterherz in the spring. When young plants have become accustomed to the new location, the annual care is particularly easy.

Early article Spring dreams about almond blossom in Germany Next article Successfully combat diseases in the almond tree: How it works

Pour properly

Basically love almond trees dryness. Even long dry periods can not harm them. However, abundant watering is crucial for a successful rooting of young plants. These should be regularly maintained with sufficient water.

Professional repot

Almond trees to survive the change well, there are four golden rules:

When and how best to cut?

After the magnificent flowering time is the perfect time for an effective cut. This serves for the rejuvenation or preservation of the almond tree.

What to do in case of pest infestation or diseases?

In the case of pest infestation, immediate action on the part of the gardener is very important. In this way, the spread of the pests is prevented. Generally, there are only a few diseases that threaten the pretty almond tree. Instead of chemical columns, home-made home remedies often help.

Properly fertilizing

From August, young trees should no longer be fertilized in favor of optimal winter hardiness. Older almond trees generally need only a one-off care. The annual loosening of the soil is sufficient in this case. Fertilization is no longer necessary.

Special care in winter

Mandalas are originally heat-loving species. In the meantime hardy varieties are also available in Germany. These withstand very low temperatures down to minus 19 degrees Celsius.

Much more dangerous are late frosts in spring. The morning spring sun also has a negative effect on almond trees. A sheltered location or appropriate precautions can help.

Non-hardy varieties can overwinter in tubs. Since the almond tree loses its leaves in autumn, cool and dark rooms are suitable for wintering.

Tips & Tricks

Varieties of southern origin also get used to our climatic conditions. However, the first winter periods should not be spent outdoors. After about three years, the almond tree can overwinter for the first time outside.