Correct mandarin tree properly

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How To Prune Citrus Trees
Video: How To Prune Citrus Trees


Correct mandarin tree properly

Mandarins are quite sensitive to cold and temperature changes - even for a citrus. With constantly changing temperatures, the tree tends to throw off all the leaves. The mandarin tree should be brought to winter quarters at temperatures below 18 ° C.

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Tangerine hibernate

Like the other citrus species, the tangerine needs a frost-free, but not too warm and bright winter location. It must be ensured that the plant stands in the sun every day for at least six hours. The temperatures are ideally between 10 and 12 ° C. Water rarely but regularly and check the plant for pests from time to time. Otherwise leave the tangerine at best at rest: do not turn, do not turn, do not repot, cut or fertilize.

Tips & Tricks

The Japanese Satsuma Mandarin is probably the most suitable species for summer free range. There are more than 20 selections of it, all have in common the insensitivity to cool, humid summer periods. In addition, the Satsuma frost hardy to minus eight degrees Celsius; Hibernation can also take place in unheated conservatories.