Sow marjoram - Tips and tricks for sowing

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 22 January 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
How to grow Sweet Marjoram from Seed
Video: How to grow Sweet Marjoram from Seed


Sow marjoram - Tips and tricks for sowing

When sowing marjoram you should not proceed too generously. The herb is so spicy that you only need a few leaves to refine a dish. You only have to decide if you would like to plant annual marjoram or two-year-old oregano.

Sow marjoram or oregano

Marjoram in its culture form is not hardy. It is therefore grown as a one-year seasoning plant and seeded every year.

Oregano, wild marjoram, also tolerates low minus temperatures. You can keep him in the garden when he is two years old.

The right location

Marjoram likes it sunny and warm. A place in the direct sun gets him very well, he is then particularly aromatic.

With thyme and itself marjoram is incompatible. Therefore choose a location where no marjoram has been planted for at least three years.

Prepare the soil

Marjoram also gets along with very lean soil. If you want to add more nutrients to the soil, you should give mature compost before sowing. Later marjoram does not tolerate fertilizer anymore.

You only have to prepare a small piece of bed of marjoram for sowing, as you only need a few plants to harvest enough fresh cabbage.

In the house, the spice can be preferred from February on a warm windowsill and from May to plant outdoors.

Maintain sowing properly

Marjoram needs a minimum temperature of 15 degrees to germinate. Sow only after the ice saint in the field.

Sprinkle the seed out wide-bred. Since marjoram is a light germ, the seed must not be covered. Keep it moist with a spray bottle so that it will not blow away in the wind.

Ensure that enough moisture is available until the seeds are sown. Once the plants are between five and ten inches high, they pull out the weakest and leave only one to three strong plants.

Tips & Tricks

After only two months you can harvest the first marjoram. Before flowering, the leaves are particularly aromatic, but you can still cut fresh marjoram at any time until autumn.