Transplanting Lily-of-the-Valley - What do you need to consider?

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Transplant Lily of the Valley
Video: How to Transplant Lily of the Valley


Lilies of the valley can be transplanted at any time

Transplanting Lily-of-the-Valley - What do you need to consider?

The neighbor has plenty of lilies in the garden, but you do not grow any? You would like to transplant the spring flowers in your own garden? The sturdy perennial can be easily implemented. What you should consider when transplanting.

Lilies of the valley are very robust

Lilies of the valley are probably the most robust spring flowers ever. There are few ways to permanently destroy the spring flower, so they are considered a real plague by some gardeners.

It is easily possible to replant lily of the valley. Most rhizomes will also vigorously drive out at the new location.

The best time to transplant

Basically, you can always dig up a rhizome from your own garden and move it to a new location. From the outdoors, you must not remove root pieces!

However, the best time to transplant is autumn or spring. In summer, there is a risk that the soil will dry out too much.

If you prefer lily-of-the-valley in a pot, pick up the rhizome in November.

This is how lilies of the valley are transplanted

At the location of the lily of the valley, dig a grave fork deep into the ground and gently lift the soil. In the earth you recognize the rhizomes. Break off small pieces of it.

If no lily-of-the-valley trees are to grow anymore at the previous location, you must remove all the roots completely from the ground, since even the smallest bits will drive out again.

Prepare the new planting site by digging a ten-centimeter hole and improving the soil with compost. Now put the rhizome piece up in the planting hole and pour earth over it.

Maintain lily of the valley after transposition

In the first few weeks you should water regularly, so that the rhizomes grow. Later, that's superfluous.

If you fertilize the soil with compost, you do not need to give new fertilizer again after two years.


Lilies of the valley have the reputation of having a favorable effect on the growth of berry bushes. Put a few plants under raspberries or currants. They form dense carpets and prevent weeds from running up under the shrubs.