To remove lilies of the valley from your garden

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Weed Out Lilies of the Valley
Video: How to Weed Out Lilies of the Valley


Lilies of the valley often spread undesirably

To remove lilies of the valley from your garden

As beautiful lilies of the valley bloom, the spring garden should not overgrow the whole garden. In addition, they are poisonous and therefore not suitable for gardens with children and pets. Removing lilies of the valley from the garden is not easy. Tips for removing the spring flower.

Lilies of the valley multiply themselves and tend to proliferate

At first, enjoy the pretty blossom in the spring. But after a few years, the lilies of the valley have settled almost the whole garden. This is because the flowers multiply via subterranean foothills and seeds.

When planting you should therefore design a rhizome barrier so that the lily of the valley can not spread too much.

Dig out the lily of the valley carefully

If lilies of the valley grow in undesirable locations or if they are to disappear completely from the garden, only handwork remains. Dig out the rhizomes carefully. Use a digger fork because you can pierce too many rhizomes with the spade.

From each root piece grows a new plant. You must therefore remove all root parts from the earth. It can take several years to get the garden free of lily of the valley.

Prevent spreading by lily of the valley

If you have not set a rhizome barrier while planting, keep lily of the valley in check by lily of the valley. This is very expensive:

Lilies of the valley do not like their own waste. The rhizomes shun the strip and stay within the desired limit.

Cut flowers immediately after flowering

Since lilies of the valley are self-seeded, it is important to cut off the slightly dried flowers immediately after flowering and discard them.

If some plants remain in the garden, you must leave the leaves until the autumn. They supply the rhizomes with the nutrients the plant needs for the next flowering season.


If you want to completely destroy lilies of the valley, do not throw the torn plants and especially the roots on the compost heap. There all root pieces drift out again. It is better to dispose of lilies of the valley via the refuse collection.