Hanging geraniums - blooming beauties in the balcony box

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How to care for geraniums | Tips for planting your balcony with pelargonium|Balcony plant care guide
Video: How to care for geraniums | Tips for planting your balcony with pelargonium|Balcony plant care guide


The hanging geranium is a charming choice for the balcony box

Hanging geraniums - blooming beauties in the balcony box

In order for your balcony to become a true visual highlight, you need to properly care for your hanging geraniums - this is especially true for specimens cultivated in window boxes. Window boxes are usually not considered optimal planters, they offer the plants but little space for rooting and waxing. In addition, geraniums in window boxes threaten to either die of dehydration, starve to death or, if you think it too good with the pouring, rot due to waterlogging.

Plant hanging geraniums properly in the balcony box

Before proper care, however, is first of all the correct planting of geraniums. Particularly important here are the points of location, substrate and drainage. Plant your geraniums in as sunny a spot as possible - the plants are true sun worshipers and need plenty of light for a long and glorious flowering season. Particularly important for planting in the balcony box is the drainage as a prerequisite for preventing waterlogging from forming. Small pebbles or clay granules are very well suited as the lowest substrate layer, and the actual plant substrate should be both loose-pervious and nutrient-rich.

Which balcony box is suitable for geraniums?

If possible, choose a balcony box with a coaster. These models have drainage holes on the bottom, through which excess irrigation water can flow out and can be poured off if necessary. Commercially available, closed window boxes on the other hand require a lot of attention, especially in rainy weather. When the summer is rainy, geraniums need to be specially protected in such boxes - otherwise the plants will be too moist and will eventually catch.

Maintain hanging geraniums properly

Geraniums are quite maintenance-intensive plants that should be watered and fertilized regularly.

Pouring and fertilizing

Ideally, geraniums are always slightly moist, but never wet. Always water the flowers when the top substrate layer is already dry, but avoid pervading. Regular fertilization is also important for the heavy geranium. Fertilize with either liquid flowering fertilizer (eg, geranium fertilizer) or blue-grain dissolved in water.

Cutting and wintering

For the longest possible flowering time, you should always cut away the blooms, so that the plants invest their energies in new flowers. Before entering the winter quarters, geraniums should be cut back and removed from the balcony box. Instead, wrap the root-removed roots in a plastic bag and overwinter the plants in a cool and dark place.


Incidentally, a real insider tip for fertilizing geraniums is coffee grounds.