Is the magnolia suitable for a fragrant hedge?

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Care for Magnolias | Garden | Great Home Ideas
Video: How to Care for Magnolias | Garden | Great Home Ideas


Is the magnolia suitable for a fragrant hedge?

The slowly growing magnolia grows - depending on the variety - usually just as wide as in height and develops a dense, leafy crown. Nevertheless, the exotic large shrubs are only partially suitable for planting as a hedge.

For horticulture, select small-sized varieties

Not every species of magnolia can be planted as a hedge, because some varieties reach very high altitudes with age. Instead, choose a magnolia with a height of no more than three meters, which grow shrubby and less like a tree. You should also note that magnolias should not be trimmed. The plants tolerate such an intervention only bad. For this reason, a magnolia hedge can not trim regularly, but should be allowed to grow more or less freely. Of course you need a lot of space, because in the immediate vicinity of the magnolia there must be no other plantings or any type of development. The trees need about the same amount of space in the width as in the height - rather even more.

Magnolia "Fairy" bred specifically for hedge planting

The hybrid "Fairy" has been available in specialist stores for several years in two colors. This fragrant magnolia was specially bred for hedge planting, but the stated winter hardiness for zones 7b-11 (i.e., down to a temperature of minus 15 ° C) can be doubted. Since the parent plants of these new varieties come from subtropical or tropical regions of Southeast Asia, "Fairy" should not be better planted in areas with cold winters.

So plant a magnolia hedge

The same rules apply to the planting of a magnolia hedge as to the planting of a solitary plant: The magnolias need a sunny, sheltered location and humus rich, slightly acidic soil. The individual young magnolias are to be planted at a distance of about one meter, so that they can develop into a dense hedge, but at the same time have sufficient space between them. Incidentally, this also applies to other plantings, such as below the hedge. Magnolias do not like to be associated with other water-pulling plants. In particular turf and similar plantings are problematic, since the magnolia roots are close to the earth's surface.

Tips & Tricks

Especially young magnolias should be protected from frost during the winter, especially for magnolias in hedge plantations. Above all, the root area must be protected against cold temperatures by means of a thick layer of bark mulch and brushwood.