Maintaining the loyalty of men - the best tips

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 16 March 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
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Male faithful needs a lot of water, especially during the flowering season

Maintaining the loyalty of men - the best tips

Männertreu is considered to be moderately easy to clean. Although it requires a lot of water and a nutrient-rich soil, but otherwise no complicated care. You can stimulate the Blue Lobelia to a second flowering by pruning in the summer when the flowers are in bloom.

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Sow men loyal

Because Männertreu is very sensitive to frost and a warm germ, it is best to sow it in pots or in a heated greenhouse. The ideal germination temperature is 16-18 ° C, below 15 ° C the seeds do not germinate.

Männertreu is also one of the light germs. Therefore, cover the seeds only with very little soil or do without it completely and press the seeds only lightly. During the germination period they need a constant high humidity. After about one to two weeks, the first plantlets can be seen.

Plant men faithfully

After the icy saints in May you can plant the Blue Lobelia in the garden. On the balcony, the young plants on warm days, even before. The night, however, they should spend better in the warm. Give the manly Litter a warm sunny place, he will thank it with a lush flowering.

Male loyal on the balcony

Männertreu does not only look good in the rock garden or at the footing, but also on the balcony. However, this should already be on the sunny side of the house, because Männertreu loves the warmth.

Water and fertilize manly true

Male Litter needs a lot of water, especially during flowering. It should be watered once a day, more often on warm days. But be sure to avoid waterlogging. About twice a month, add some liquid fertilizer to the irrigation water. Especially during flowering, the nutrient requirement is particularly high.

Men loyal in winter

Men loyal is not frost hardy. Although he can overwinter in the cold greenhouse, but usually he is only one year cultivated. This means that after flowering the manure is disposed of and seeded again next year. This is much less complicated than hibernation.

The most important care tips:

Tips & Tricks

During flowering, water your manly litter twice a day.