You should never cut a Madagascar palm

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Cutting Damage Off the Top of A Madagascar Palm
Video: Cutting Damage Off the Top of A Madagascar Palm


The Madagascar palm should not be cut

You should never cut a Madagascar palm

Madagascar palms (botanical Pachypodium lamerei) are contrary to their common name no palms, but they belong to the succulents. They are absolutely easy to care for and therefore ideal beginner plants. Even if a Madagascar palm grows very quickly, you should not cut short. The plant is almost always on.

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You do not have to cut down on Madagascar palms

At a good location and optimal care, a Madagascar palm grows very quickly. Within a few years, an original 40 cm high plant can reach a height of two meters.

If the pitch of the Madagascar Palm is not high enough, you should look for another place. The plant also called thick-legged comes in, if you just cut it up.

You can limit growth a bit by not fertilizing the Madagascar palm and keeping it warm.

Discolored leaves may be cut off

That a Madagascar palm loses its leaves is a normal process that occurs at the beginning of the resting phase. If the leaves turn yellow or black during the growth phase, the plant is usually kept too moist or affected by sign lice. Affected leaves may be cut off with sharp scissors.

Cut out shoots to multiply the Madagascar palm

You can multiply Madagascar palms from seeds. In addition, shoots form on the side, which you can cut as a cutting.

They are separated with a sharp knife. Subsequently, the interfaces must be dried for one day before being inserted into the plant substrate.

Wrap the stem with foil before shortening

If you can not handle the Madagascar palm with a knife or scissors, bear in mind that the trunk is very prickly. The spines are extremely persistent and must not get into your skin under any circumstances. It is not enough to wear gloves.

Before trimming or repotting, wrap the trunk with strong foil where you need to touch it. Then you can touch it there without hurting yourself.


Never leave cut or fallen leaves lying down. Madagascar palms are poisonous in all parts of plants. When cutting, you should therefore always wear gloves.