Laurel for the kitchen just grow on the balcony

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Laurel for the kitchen just grow on the balcony

The so-called genuine laurel (Laurus nobilis) has been used for centuries as a medicinal and spice plant by the leaves and berries harvested and dried. For the use in the own kitchen you can plant the laurel with simple means at the balcony.

Select the correct substrate for real laurel

Basically, the real laurel prefers a rather sandy soil, which should be permeable and humus.However, when growing laurel on the balcony, care should also be taken that the soil used can store moisture well. Otherwise, a regular care and irrigation is necessary because sun and wind potted laurel on the balcony can dry out very quickly.

Location and water supply

As a plant from the Middle East and the Mediterranean, laurel should always be preferred in full sun. The plant can be planted in semi-shady spots, but it thrives less well there than in sunny and warm places. Laurel only tolerates waterlogging, but the fine and sensitive roots should not dry out. Water the real laurel as a container plant on the balcony in the summer at least once or twice a week depending on wind and sunlight. As a rule, you can achieve a better harvest with a wind-protected setting of the laurel on the balcony.

Harvest and process laurel correctly

Even with strong waking laurel bushes no electric hedge trimmer should be used for the cut. Sliced ​​leaves turn brown on the laurel bush and can be a site of attack for diseases. For use in the kitchen, individual branches are cut by hand and hung with the tips down to dry. The dried leaves can then be used to aromatic refine various foods:

Tips & Tricks

The real laurel can overwinter in the open country in this country only in very mild conditions outdoors, on the balcony he survives the winter wrapped in fleece only very difficult. Therefore, you should plan for winter as a winter quarters better place in the garage or in an unheated, bright shed.