The medicinal herb from the meadow - dandelion root are drying

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Essential Medicinal Herbs to Grow for Making Home Remedies
Video: 10 Essential Medicinal Herbs to Grow for Making Home Remedies


Dandelion roots contain many nutrients and remedies

The medicinal herb from the meadow - dandelion root are drying

In every natural meadow he grows, the dandelion. For many garden owners, it is a weed that must be fought. Others use the dandelion as a herb and as a seasoning in the salad. Especially the dried root is interesting.

What is dandelion used for?

With dandelion almost all parts can be used. The serrated leaves give each salad bitter substances that are important for digestion. From the yellow flowers dandelion honey can be cooked and the root is used fresh or dried for physical health. It helps with digestive problems, has a diuretic and is blood-purifying, it can also reduce cholesterol.
The dried root was ground earlier and brewed as a coffee substitute, so-called "Muckefuck". He still tastes some today.

Harvest dandelion

Leaves, flowers and roots can be harvested all year round. Make sure that the plant grows on uncontaminated meadows and not directly on the roadside.
Before processing, clean the plant. Leaves and flowers are washed under running water, the root of earth freed.
The fresh leaves can be cut into strips and mixed under the salad. The sweet, edible flowers are not only used as decoration on fruit salad, they can be processed into dandelion honey, in syrup or in jams. Sauté the fresh root like vegetables or use it to make tea.

Dry dandelion root and use

    Dig out the root and let it dry in the sun for a day. Then the earth can be brushed off better. Rinse the roots carefully under running water. Now cut the root in half. Hang the roots in a breezy and dry place. A place over the heater or in direct sunlight is not suitable. You can also cut the root into small pieces and dry them horizontally in plenty of fresh air.

Use the dried roots for a fortifying tea infusion. The tea has a healing effect on kidney, bladder and gall bladder problems. Due to the contained vitamins and minerals dandelion strengthens the immune defense and also contributes to blood formation.
A decaffeinated coffee substitute is obtained by finely grinding the dried dandelion root and brewing it like coffee.