Which location does the snapdragon prefer?

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 24 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Why i like Snapdragon
Video: Why i like Snapdragon


The snapdragids likes to be in the sun

Which location does the snapdragon prefer?

The snapdragon with its colorful flowers is one of the most popular perennials in the garden. Prerequisite for the desired abundance of flowers is that you plant the garden beauty in the right place in the flowerbed.

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Here the snapdragon feels good

The snapdragon is quite undemanding. It prefers its sunny and warm spot, but thrives well in the clear shade.

However, the perennial is very sensitive to waterlogging. Therefore, the soil should be permeable and not too wet. Loosen heavy substrates with some compost, sand or fine gravel. In addition, add a drainage layer of expanded clay or gravel into the planting hole.


So that the soil remains permeable, it is recommended to loosen it regularly by hacking. As a result, rainwater does not accumulate in the immediate environment of the plant.