Hibernate lilies: in the bed and in the pot

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Nights Hibernation
Video: Nights Hibernation


Lilies should protect you from frost with a layer of mulch or twigs

Hibernate lilies: in the bed and in the pot

The aboveground plant parts of lilies retreat over the winter. The onion in the subsoil survives the winter in the soil, in order to drive out in the spring again. Should you protect them from ice and snow?

Cut lilies in the early days - it depends on the right timing Next article Lilies - the most common methods of propagation

Why should lilies be wintered?

Not all lily species are hardy. In rough conditions, delicate lilies such as callas should be protected in winter. Otherwise, the onions could be damaged.

Protect lilies in the bed from frost

Already when planting should be taken precaution. Put your lily in a sheltered place. In winter you can protect as follows:

Hibernate onions indoors

After the bulbs have been carefully and generously excavated, they should be freed from soil. Now they can be wintered, for example, in dry soil or sand in the basement, shed, the garage or in the attic. But beware: before all leaves and stem remnants should be removed. Otherwise, there is a risk of mold.

Hibernate lilies in the pot

Lilies in the pot should ideally be brought in. In the house they are placed in a cool place (5 to 15 ° C). The soil should dry off and all aboveground plant parts are removed.

Prepare for the winter

Tips & Tricks

Most lilies can stand cold. But pairing them with moisture should you be on alert. Wetness means the early end of lilies.