Process fresh dill from the garden

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Grow & Harvest DILL | Why we LOVE this herb & the BEST WAY to PRESERVE it
Video: Grow & Harvest DILL | Why we LOVE this herb & the BEST WAY to PRESERVE it


Process fresh dill from the garden

Dill is one of the most commonly used spice varieties in European cuisine. Not only the dill and the delicate dill spikes can be used for seasoning, the brown dill seeds also give many dishes a special flavor.

Harvest dill from own cultivation and process fresh

In the raised bed or greenhouse, the dill (Anethum graveolens) is usually planted in rows, since it requires little care at a suitable location and naturally protects many vegetables from pests. For home use in the kitchen, the dill can also be sowed in a pot on a sunny balcony. So you can always harvest the young dill tips fresh when you need them in the kitchen. Since the dill is an annual, you can harvest the entire plant in the fall. But make sure that the filigree shoots of the dill can often be uncomfortably hard from the time of dill blossom.

Process the dill yourself to dill oil

Since fresh dill can also be stored in damp cloths and stored in the refrigerator only for a maximum of one to three weeks, the processing of already cut dill into intermediate products such as dill oil is an option. For the preparation you need the following ingredients:

Put the dill with the bay leaves and the peppercorns in an empty bottle and pour to the brim with the rapeseed oil. Let the mixture soak for about three weeks before straining the oil and using it to refine the flavor of fish dishes and cucumber salad.

Dillessig himself

By preparing dill vinegar, the fine-spicy aroma of the dill can be conserved and used for the flavorful rounding off of delicious salads. Add four to six dill twigs and a teaspoon of dill seed along with white wine vinegar to a bottle. Put the mixture in the sun for about two weeks in a warm place before distilling dill twigs and seeds. In a bottle rinsed with boiling water, the dill vinegar holds for dark storage for up to six months.

Tips & Tricks

Always process cut dill as soon as possible, as it always loses its taste and quality when stored unprocessed.