Lavender turns brown - it is mostly due to incorrect care

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
LAVENDER PROBLEMS | Why is my lavender turning brown | How to save lavender plant from dying
Video: LAVENDER PROBLEMS | Why is my lavender turning brown | How to save lavender plant from dying


Lavender turns brown - it is mostly due to incorrect care

When the lavender turns brown and dies, many causes are possible. In most cases, these are care mistakes that need to be adjusted accordingly. In addition, the further treatment of the diseased plant depends on the cause, which you should scrupulously research.

Waterlogged lavender turns brown

Most of the lavender is brown and dried up, because he was cast too often or wrong. Also waterlogged due to non-expiring, superfluous water in the root area leads to brown leaves. Lavender is extremely sensitive to moisture and moisture, so waterlogging quickly causes root rot. As a result, the damaged roots can no longer transport sufficient water into the upper parts of the plant and the plant dries up. By the way, even a damp and cool summer can cause root rot.

What to do with root rot?

If the lavender threatens to penetrate due to a root rot, he may save with a bit of luck. But you have to dig it out and transplant it or put it into fresh substrate with Topflavendel. When selecting the new location, pay attention to soil conditions, as lavender loves sandy and dry soils. If necessary, you can cut the rotten roots.

Too much dryness can also lead to brown leaves

Less rare, but also not unusual is the drying of the lavender due to lack of water. This is especially the case in winter with sunny and at the same time frosty weather. The winter sun lets any existing moisture evaporate before the plant can absorb it. If there is little winter rainfall and lots of sun, you should water your lavender moderately if there is evidence of dryness. The wintergreen plant relies on moisture.

Brown spots at Phorma lavandula

If you first observe brown, then blackish spots on the leaves of your lavender, then it is most likely the so-called lavender death or lavender dying. This is a fungal disease caused by the fungus Phorma lavandula. The disease can be treated only by early removal of the affected areas, otherwise there is no remedy. If the leaves of the lavender turn yellow, then it could be the leaf spot disease.

Tips & Tricks

If the lavender only brown on the lower parts of the stems, but not in the higher layers - for example on the leaves - then it is neither a disease nor a care mistake. The lavender lumbers, which is a completely normal process for the plant.