Why does not kumquat bloom?

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Citrus Not Fruiting or Flowering? Try this!
Video: Citrus Not Fruiting or Flowering? Try this!


Why does not kumquat bloom?

There are many reasons why a kumquat does not bloom. Some causes can be resolved in the short term, others need a little more time. But with some patience, you will succeed in bringing your kumquat back to life.

If you have just bought your kumquat, you do not have to worry. If you take good care of your plant, then it will bloom in the next year. She needs a certain amount of time to get used to it.

Small cause - big effect

If the kumquat has been in your possession for some time, then you should ask yourself the following questions: Did the kumquat have sufficient hibernation with temperatures of maximum 10 ° C and was it then gradually acclimated to the heat and fertilized again?

Is the kumquat possibly in the drafts, for example, near a permanently open window or the balcony door? Is the humidity high enough and is the lime content in the soil and in the irrigation water low? All these things can be the cause of your kumquat not blooming. However, they are quite easy to fix.

Possible causes in short:

You can do that if your kumquat does not bloom

If the plant is still too young, just wait and see. The same applies if your kumquat did not have enough winter rest. Then you have to wait until next year for the flower. You can replace calcareous earth. If your tap water is very calcareous, use rainwater to pour. The calcium content can be determined with test strips from the pharmacy or drugstore.

If your kumquat gets too much drafts, they change their location. The same applies if the plant gets too little light or heat. If the humidity is too low, you can carefully spray your kumquat with lime-free water or place a container of water in the immediate vicinity. Evaporation increases the humidity in the environment.

Tips & Tricks

Without hibernation your kumquat will not bloom the following year. Therefore, make sure you have a cool, bright winter quarters.