Prefer pumpkin itself - benefit from the advantages

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Health benefits from eating pumpkin spice
Video: Health benefits from eating pumpkin spice


Prefer pumpkin itself - benefit from the advantages

There are good reasons for growing squash in the house. First and foremost, the chances of a great harvest increase, thanks to the growth advantage. So you pull yourself from the seed vital young plants.

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Ideal time window for cultivation opens in April

Schedule an appointment for sowing in mid-April. If the process runs smoothly, the seedlings are perfectly mature 4 weeks later for planting in the bed and on the balcony. From mid-May threaten no more ground frost, the pumpkin plants harm.

Meaningful preparation improves the germination

By nature, seeds that thrive in a fruit are germinated. With the aid of targeted pre-treatment, you activate the seed and put it in the best possible mood.

If you want to grow a particularly robust variety or species, we recommend the following pre-treatment: In the pharmacy you buy 3 percent potassium nitrate. In it, soak stubborn seeds for 12 hours at room temperature.

Proper pumpkin sowing step-by-step

Once the pre-treatment is complete, sow the actual sowing:

The shortest germination time can be achieved at half shady location at 25 degrees Celsius. Already after 1 week, life in the seed is stirring and the cotyledons are sprouting. Now place the pots a little brighter and cooler at 18 degrees Celsius.

In the next 4 weeks you can admire a rapid growth of the seedlings. During this time keep the substrate well moist. Coverage is no longer required at this stage. Punctually at the beginning of the planting season, the cultivation is complete.

Tips & Tricks

In the rarest cases you draw from seeds that you harvest yourself, the hoped for variety. The majority of all pumpkin plants in culture are hybrids. In this case, the breeding is more like a botanical roulette, because no one knows which attributes of parents and grandparents prevail. Therefore, use only certified seed from specialist retailers.