Adieu Summer - welcome pumpkin season

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 11 April 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
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Adieu Summer - welcome pumpkin season

If the season is nearing its end, it is no reason for farmer's pain in the case of pumpkin gardeners. On the contrary, with the pumpkin season starts a time of joy over the successful cultivation. What is to be done now, we reveal here.

Properly harvest for a long pumpkin season

With a little luck, the pumpkin season starts at the end of August. If the summer was warm and dry, shine on the magnificent pumpkins. If you harvest at the right time, you will enjoy your fruits for a very long time.

How to determine the harvest maturity:

Cut the pumpkin with a sharp knife. If a short piece of the stem remains there, it will increase its durability. Give the fruit a period of Nachreife of 2 to 3 weeks in a warm place, the harvest receives a top quality.

These tips extend the pumpkin time

If the harvest was richer than the family plastered, pumpkin may well be stored until next spring. Especially winter squashes of the giant varieties, such as 'Pumpkin' or 'Hokkaido' are recommended. Provided they did not turn into a lantern on Halloween. This is how it works perfectly:

If a pumpkin has already been cut, the leftovers in the fridge remain fresh for up to a week. Cling film prevents it from drying up. By the way, diced pulp is perfect for freezing. Simply blanch briefly in hot water and let cool.

Tips & Tricks

The crucial weakness on the pumpkin is the contact surface on the ground. So that the pumpkin season does not come to an early end, because it rots here, ensure in good time. Once the fruit has begun to grow, place the pumpkin on a pad of styrofoam or wood. Thus, the shell is well protected from soil moisture and mold has no chance.