Garden house without a building permit - what is important?

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Also for a garden house you need a building permit

Garden house without a building permit - what is important?

If you are a garden owner and you think that you can build a tool shed in an unappropriated garden corner in any case without a prior building permit, it can bring you a lot of trouble. Even a not too large garden shed you may set up in many communities without the consent of the Authority, because the public building law sets clearly outlined limits for this measure.

What does the need for a permit depend on?

The factors that play a role in planning permission are manifold. Which includes:

These conditions are regulated differently in all federal states, depending on the municipality.

The application for approval

The building permit is issued by the responsible building administration of your municipality. When submitting the application you should have the following documents ready:

In some cases additional documentation is required. It is therefore advisable to contact the building authority in advance and consult an architect if necessary.

How big may a permit-free garden house be?

In many communities, equipment sheds without foundations, the height of which is less than 2.50 meters and which do not exceed a built-up area of ​​three by four meters, are exempt from licensing. In the built-up area, however, the volume can amount to only ten cubic meters, which corresponds at most to a very small tool shed. In addition, the limits of the current building regulations must be strictly adhered to.

Even if you want to put the device house on a solid foundation, which is urgently advisable with many surfaces, a permission is often necessary. Also, ancillary facilities, including garden sheds, may only be located within strictly defined limits. In addition, it is important to keep certain distances to neighboring properties.

Do not forget the neighbors

Even if the garden shed is subject to licensing and the community gives the green light to the construction, you should seek the conversation with your neighbors. Even if you keep the required distances when setting up the hut, the house can provide additional shade, perhaps just where the neighbor prefers to relax in the sun. Annoying complaints could in this case be the result and permanently burden the friendly contact with the neighbors.


It is advisable to contact the local building authority before purchasing an expensive garden shed to inquire about the regional conditions. This is the only way to be sure that you do not have to dismantle the new house, just because the desired model exceeds the permitted height or size.