How to cut a cake tree in an exemplary way

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
A591 June 2015 A* Exemplar - Mock Exam Feedback
Video: A591 June 2015 A* Exemplar - Mock Exam Feedback


In early summer, a slight shape cut can be made

How to cut a cake tree in an exemplary way

The wonderful cake tree naturally preserves its pyramidal crown, so pruning is not obligatory. In order to cut the seductively fragrant ornamental wood if necessary, some aspects have to be considered. Read how to cut your catfish tree properly.

These two dates are available

Twice a year, a window opens for pruning your cat food tree. During the foliage-free time in late winter, you not only have a clear view of the branches. In addition, the tree is in its safe, so that even a radical pruning does not throw him off track. Please reach for the scissors on a frost-free day with dry weather.

Under your loving care and at the ideal location, the growth in the catfish tree sometimes takes on undesirable dimensions. To intervene here with a slight cut regulating, offers itself as another cutting time a day around the 24th June (Johanni). Ideally, the wood is not exposed to direct sunlight during cutting.

Cutting and clearing go hand in hand

A cake tree retains its harmonious silhouette and robust vitality when you combine the pruning with a thorough blending. As long as it is ensured that light and air reach all parts of the plant, there is no danger of being dislodged from the inside. How to do it right:

If your cat's tree is a grafted high-stem, sometimes wild game drives appear. These sprout from the surface and strive with vehemence to overgrow the finished crown. Whenever these branches catch your eye, tear them off with a spirited jolt. As long as only a small tissue test remains on the trunk, the wildlings drive out of it again.


The yellow to scarlet autumn color turns out to be more intense on a cake tree, the more acidic the soil. Therefore, when selecting the location for your new catfish tree, check the soil pH and give preference to a location with values ​​between 5.0 and 6.5.