All ragwort species are extremely poisonous

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
#Ragwort (Senecio Jacobaea)"Very prolific Weed Poisonous To Animals & Humans, One Minute Tip"  (403)
Video: #Ragwort (Senecio Jacobaea)"Very prolific Weed Poisonous To Animals & Humans, One Minute Tip" (403)


Ragwort is highly toxic to humans and animals

All ragwort species are extremely poisonous

Kreuzkräuter or also Greiskräuter (Senecio) are a approximately 1000 different kinds umfase genus from the family of the daisy family (Asteraceae). The yellow flowering ragweed (Senecio jacobaea) as well as the common ragwort (Senecio vulgaris) are widespread. In particular, grazing animals are at risk, but people are often affected by the food chain and the dangers of confusion with edible plants. In many cases poisoning leads to liver failure and death.

Next article Greiskraut - All species are poisonous

Ragwort contains highly toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids

All cross-pollinated herbs contain highly toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids that are both liver damaging and carcinogenic. Particularly high proportions of the poison are found in the flowers and in young plants. The alkaloids are not directly toxic, but develop their toxic effects only by the transformation in the liver with the help of enzymes. The dangerous toxins have already been detected in eggs, honey, milk and various herbal teas (especially in chamomile tea).

Danger to grazing animals

Although the ragwort tastes bitter and is therefore not eaten like, but only as long as it was not dried. Dried ragweed - for example in the hay - loses its warning bitter substances, but not its toxicity. In addition, a slow poisoning is not excluded, as the alkaloids in question may gradually accumulate in the liver and eventually lead to death. A poisoning can thus show even after several months.

Endangerment for humans

The ragwort is dangerous to humans mainly because of its high likelihood of confusion with edible plants. For example, the pinnate leaves are very similar to arugula, but the medicinal St. John's wort is not unlike the poisonous plant. Caution is therefore especially important with wild herbs, wild salads and self-collected leafy vegetables, because even small amounts can have serious consequences.


Incidentally, caution is also required in comfrey (Symphytum), which also contains large amounts of pyrrolizidine alkaloids and is therefore highly toxic to humans and animals.