Use planting stones to make your own herb spiral

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 24 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
DIY Herb Spiral -- clever way to grow lots of herbs in a small space
Video: DIY Herb Spiral -- clever way to grow lots of herbs in a small space


Plant stones can be used for very different garden projects

Use planting stones to make your own herb spiral

What could be better than fragrant, aromatic herbs next to the favorite seat in the garden, freshly decorating the plate on the salad, on the grilled food or as a colorful, edible ornament? Even those who only have a small garden can save space with a herbal spiral and still cultivate a large selection of their favorite herbs. Such a spiral is cheap and quickly erected with little effort.

Suitable material

Granite, sand or limestone and other natural stones look very pretty, but are also very expensive. Instead, you can fall back on cheaper plant stones, which can grout just as well to a stable wall - and lush planted with flowering herbs make a beautiful eye-catcher in the garden. Instead of plant stones are also many other artificial stones such as (roof) bricks, paving stones, field stones, etc. It is important only here to build the wall stable and secure and to fill the herbal spiral with the pasen substrate.

You need this material

For a herbal spiral you need:

building instructions

Ideally, a herb spiral measures about two meters in diameter and is 60 inches high. With these dimensions, you have plenty of room for herbs on the one hand, but they still reach very well for the care and harvest. The spiral is made of plant stones as follows:


At the foot of a larger herbal spiral, you can lay out a pond with pond liner and create a small pool of water here. Near the water, many moisture-loving herbs can grow, such as meadowsweet and valerian.