How to cut your corkscrew properly

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 22 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
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The corkscrew pasture is blended in winter

How to cut your corkscrew properly

If a corkscrew's pasture takes on its symmetrical silhouette or bursts all its circumference with its circumference, you should cut back the ornamental shrub. This guide will show you the practical way how to cut the picturesque wood with the spiral branches.

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Time window is open in winter

The choice of time for the pruning is just as important as the cut itself.If you want to cut your corkscrew grazing properly, only a frost-free day during foliage-free time comes into consideration. Consequently, the time window is open from November to February / March. In the middle of the growing season, the cut of isolated cuttings is allowed for reproduction.

Finish first - then cut back

Before you cut your corkscrew to the desired size, clear the shrub thoroughly. So that the sunlight can penetrate deep into the wood, all dead shoots are cut off near the ground. Likewise, please proceed with miserable, sick and closely spaced branches. From the fifth year, 3 or 4 of the oldest branches should be removed, in the sense of a continuous rejuvenation.

Instructions for the correct cut

Their undemanding contentment proves the corkscrew pasture not least with uncomplicated requirements for the cut. Even if you, as a beginner, do not trim the ornamental wood correctly, the mistakes will grow out in no time and you can try again. How to correctly cut the distinctive shrub, this overview gives:

As you go through the work, take a few steps backwards to plan the next cuts. In this way, you ensure that the corkscrew pasture presents itself with harmonious contours at the end.

Radically cut back in the bucket and repot

So that the corkscrew pasture in the bucket exudes its bizarre charm, you should cut back the bush every year courageously. After you have cleared the wood, radically reduce any remaining branches. As long as at least one sleeping eye remains on the branch, the plant drives out again.

After the pruning, pot the shrub into a larger bucket. In order to reuse the previous vessel, the root ball can be sawn to the size of the root and reused in fresh substrate.

Care after the cut

Beyond the form and maintenance cut, a corkscrew grazing only requires a small amount of care. An advantage for a dense, healthy growth is a mulch layer. Spread a layer of compost on the root disc, supplemented with horny shavings, the ornamental wood gratefully accepts these organic nutrients. Pouring is only required in case of prolonged drought.


You can still cut your corkscrew pasture so radically; this measure has no effect on the spread of aggressive roots. If you fear damage due to intense root pressure on masonry, supply pipes or paved surfaces, you can not avoid complete removal of the rhizomes.