With this care the corkscrew lens stays fit!

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 27 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
FLINT. REDEMPTION - Episode 1 (en sub) / Кремень. Освобождение - Серия 1 / Боевик
Video: FLINT. REDEMPTION - Episode 1 (en sub) / Кремень. Освобождение - Серия 1 / Боевик


The corkscrew breeze thrives like all rushes in the wild, especially in wetlands

With this care the corkscrew lens stays fit!

The corkscrew, which is also known as the Love Loves, is suitable for both outdoor culture and indoor culture. With her ornate shoots she looks completely different than other green plants. On top of that, it requires little care ...

How often should be poured?

Originally the corkscrew is a marsh plant. Therefore, she prefers wet soils. It easily cope with stagnant moisture - in contrast to most other known indoor plants. Do not worry: root rot does not occur here.

The soil should be kept moist to wet. For a short time the earth can dry up. That tolerates the corkscrew. In the long run, however, it should not dry out. Remember: you can not pour too much, you can not water too much.

Should I overwinter the corkscrew's lens?

This pond and houseplant is very hardy. It is even evergreen and does not freeze even in pond water. Even in the house, the winter is no challenge. There are no special measures required.

Does this plant need a pruning?

A pruning of this unusual plant is not necessary. Only dried leaves should be cut off regularly. In the spring then the dead stems are removed. If the plant has become too big, it should be split rather than cut back.

Which fertilizer is suitable for this plant?

When fertilizing, usually not much can go wrong. Please note the following:

Is the corkscrew lens prone to diseases or pests?

In the rarest cases, diseases occur on the corkscrew. Even pests find little favor on this plant. Nevertheless, you should not neglect the care and throw a good, controlling eye on this usually robust plant.


It would be ideal, if you can pour the corkscrew from room culture with pond water from time to time.