This care brings out the optimum of coriander

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Cilantro Saving Tip. How to keep Coriander Fresh for long in Fridge by Chawla’s Kitchen
Video: Cilantro Saving Tip. How to keep Coriander Fresh for long in Fridge by Chawla’s Kitchen


This care brings out the optimum of coriander

Coriander has only one season opportunity to develop its full spice potential. There should sit in the hobby garden every move in the care. Explore all the fundamental aspects in order to professionally cultivate the Mediterranean plant.

Sowing coriander in the bed and pot - that's how it works Correct harvesting of coriander requires prudence - so it goes

How to best water coriander?

It sounds a bit terse and yet it sums it up: pour cilantro in dryness. Thus, the watering can is only used when the natural rainfall is insufficient. Dizziness in the planter is always watered when the substrate surface is noticeably dry. Only during the growing phase is there a higher need for casting until the young plants have established themselves in the potting soil.

To what extent is coriander fertilized?

If you plant coriander in pre-fertilized soil, the gift of additional nutrients is unnecessary. Otherwise, the spice plant shoots into the herb and sets prematurely to bloom induction. In unfertilized substrate you work every 4 weeks a portion of compost superficially. The pot offers the use of organic liquid fertilizer.

What should be paid particular attention in nursing?

If you want to care for coriander properly, the risk of overgrowing weeds should not be underestimated. In the fight against dandelion, greed and consorts, the spice plant always draws the short straw. Weeding consequently every few days. A mulch layer of Lauberde or grass clippings also keeps nasal weed under control.

Need coriander a pruning?

The extent to which a coriander plant is cut depends on the intended use. How to handle the care aspect correctly:

If, on the other hand, you are targeting the delicate seeds, flowering is essential. In this case, any pruning would be counterproductive.

Which diseases can occur?

Maintaining coriander in the right location rarely causes health problems. However, the plant is not completely immune. The following diseases have so far been observed in dwarf weeds:

In view of the rapid growth of coriander plants, a costly fight is not worthwhile. If in doubt, dispose of the diseased specimens and sow seeds again at the other site.

What are the pests of coriander?

Coriander is rarely visited by pests. This may be due in particular to the slightly unpleasant odor to which the spice plant owes its trivial names Stinkdill and Wanzenkraut. Resourceful hobby gardeners make use of the scent and plant coriander between cabbage, because cabbage whites and cabbage lice take off here.

Tips & Tricks

Finished cilantro from the supermarket is not used to the full sun. If you plant a purchased specimen in the garden, it should harden in half shady place for 3 to 4 days. Then you cultivate the spice plant as well as dodged vertigo herbs.